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Q3 Awareness Post: Jo Hamilton

She has a collection of works titles: Matriarchs, Nudes, Masked, Cityscape, Pigeon Portraits, Our House Portland.  She grew up with a family of knitters and crochets at a young age and aspired to combine her appreciation of color and her love of knitting.  She went to Glasgow School of Arts at the age of 17 and studied painting and drawing.  It took a while for her to find her right medium of crochet.  Through the process of trial-of-error of going in one direction and deciding whether or not it looks good.  If it looks bad she will undo the crochet stitches and if it looks good she’ll continue to use that method.   She never plans or sketches; she’ll go straight into crocheting.

            I like how big her pieces are and the irony she presents between traditional women and men’s gender role.  I love the use of colors and the process of making it up as one goes.  The way she uses lighting and color in the shadows is impressive. I also enjoy how some of her edges to her art have yarn hanging down.


Some of her CV’s are:         

2019 Jo Hamilton, Heuser Gallery, Bradley University, Peoria, IL.

The Matriarchs, the Masked, and the Naked Man, Russo Lee Gallery, Portland, OR. 

2018 Fabric of Spacetime, Timeless Textiles, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. 

Jo Hamilton: Knots in Time, Boise Art Museum, Boise, ID. 

2017 New Work, Russo Lee Gallery, Portland, OR.

Jo Hamilton: Intertwined, YaloRUN, Water Valley, MS.

2016 Jo Hamilton, Cannon Beach Arts Association, Cannon Beach, OR.  

2015  I Crochet Portland, Installation in the White Stag building foyer, Portland, OR.

Arthur Animated, Public Animation Mural, Toride Train Station, Japan.

Whom, Laura Russo Gallery, Portland, OR.

2014 Our House of Portland: A Portrait in Yarn, SUM Gallery (October), Q Center (November), Our House of Portland (December), Portland, OR.

Contemporary Oregon Visions, Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR. 

2011 Faces, Cafe Grumpy Greenpoint & Cafe Grumpy Chelsea, New York, NY.

2010 Pigeon Portraits, The Proper, Portland, OR.

2009 Portland Portraits, Visage Gallery, Portland, OR.

I Crochet Portland, Downtown Stumptown, Portland, OR.



Cherry Steel Above and Below

2017 Mixed crocheted yarn 68x122 inches

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